YAGA - textile design studio, unique fabrics


Goddess, Mother of all creatures, is the only one, but She has many faces. She is eternal and exists simultaneously in triune: virgin, mother, and crone. All-bearing and all-absorbing, creatress and destroyer, she is beautiful Aphrodite and horrible Medusa, Lada and Mara, Vasilisa and Yaga, Kali and Lakshmi at the same time. Thousands names of hers are on lips. Thousands threads are in her hands. As Mistress of fates, she spins, measures off and cuts off the threads of lives.

Yaga is one of the aspects of Great Goddess. Her name refers directly to yoga. And yoga translated from Sanskrit means connection or a thread connecting us with supreme powers.

Yaga is the most mysterious goddess in the Slavonic pantheon. Why so mysterious? Because She is much older than all Slavonic deities. She is mistress of flora and fauna and triple goddess of fate with a miraculous clew in her hands. Often Yaga is a wise helpful adviser, but sometimes she turns into a formidable witch and flies in the sky like a real yogi-siddh in an upturned Indian temple - a stupa. And in this case, together with her spouse Shiva-Koshchei, she is Kali-Durga - inexorable destroyer. Yaga is also a mistress of initiations. Earthly ignorance of youth is burning in the magic fire of her hearth. Through annealing in magic fire young initiates enter the world of sacred knowledge.

YAGA - thread by thread

Yaga is related to the Fates (three Greek goddesses of fate), almighty Moerae: Clotho (who spins), Lachesis (who measures off), and Atropos (who cuts off). They are mistresses of fates-threads. Not only men, but also immortal gods are in their power.

Yaga is powerful - she ties and tears.

Cloth is time spreading in space. Weaving was always connected with a lot of superstitions. Even today, those who work with fabrics have their own relations with both the time and the fate.

Evidently it was just Yaga’s providence that two Moscow artists, Irina Yega and Elena Yuga, at her instigation united into the studio which name suggested itself.

YAGA studio fusion fabrics

The artists have been making experiments in textile sphere for many years. Using different technologies and techniques they were creating handmade art works for interiors. For the last two years, within YAGA studio, the artists have been working over a completely new method of making unique fabrics which was developed and patented by Irina Yega. This method allows not only to create unique fabrics rich in color and texture, but to embody in full measure the magic power of feminine with its ability to tie and tear. Connecting the opposites, mixing old and new, heavy and light, cold and hot, woven and knitted, the artists bring the fabrics into the upper stage of synthesis - alchemic transmutation when parent material dies and reborns in the created one. For this reason, YAGA fabrics are always a little beyond our ordinary perception of reality, they "blink" in time and space and are not affordable for the final description. Owning such metaphysical feature makes each YAGA piece of art sole and unique due to its origin. Though the artists show fabrics in an absolutely new light, their unique fabrics can be cut, sewed, and hanged on walls.

YAGA unique fabrics

Yaga fabrics find their place not only in avant-garde fashion, but also in pret-a-porter. They can be used in manufacture of accessories (bags, gloves, belts, ties), in interior decoration (portieres, screens, lamps, drapery, capes, coverings, wall panels). Texture expressiveness, wide color spectrum and bulk effect allow to create unique theatre costumes and scenographic elements. Moreover, the special fabric compositions can be placed inside a frame and displayed in show rooms as "painting" of a new trend. Ready-made Yaga patterns own unique effects, plasticity, texture, and the depth which has never been achieved before. Each pattern is guaranteed to be a unique thing due to its original design, handmade work, and technological secrets of manufacturing.

Due to a wide range of parent materials used in YAGA manufacture, YAGA fabrics can provide a two-sided effect, glimmering, transparency twinkling. In addition, the fabric can be made in such a way that its visible form will depend on the type of illumination.

In moderate quantities YAGA fabrics can be "flavored" with the materials often considered as unusual for textile: polyethylene, paper, plants, foil.

YAGA fabrics - thread by thread