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Fashion collection of designer clothing «EX-LIBRIS»

Fashion collection of designer clothing «EX-LIBRIS»

We are enchanted with the beauty of refined graphic drawings, fantastic shapes that make up the letters of the Gothic writing. Bright colors, almost untouched by time, on the marble texture of parchment.

The skill and amount of laborious work spent on the creation of each leaf are amazing. We are excited by the impeccable composition, careful drawing of every detail.

We are talking about the medieval miniature, when each book was a precious masterpiece, and its creation could take a whole life.

It’s difficult to imagine this nowadays, when we get all the information practically from digital media, and real books are gradually becoming rarities…

Yaga’s new collection “Ex-libris” introduces us, the inhabitants of a hasty century, with unfading beauty of the unique illuminated manuscripts. And not only introduces, but makes it possible to literally wear this charming magnificence of monastic eternity.

And since Yaga clothes are piece goods, in the motto of the collection we can definitely put the phrase “unique on unique”.

Designer coat
Wool vest
Yaga coat